
Empowering independent professionals
in the hair, beauty and cosmetic industry

How it works

GastGo app allows you as the independent professional to set up your profile, write a short bio, list your services, duration, prices, business location and upload your profile picture as well as images of your previous work.

GastGo uses cutting-edge technology and mobile push notification to automatically market your business presence to local, national and international clients. This includes your existing clients, new clients and potential clients who have just moved into your area and require your service.

As a GastGo professional, you are in control of your own prices, working hours, days and location. If you decide to relocate, you can change your business location and your clients will be able to see your new address when re-booking a service.

Clients have 24-hour access to your profile and are able to book appointments. GastGo sends you clients using the mobile app and notifies you whenever an appointment is booked.

GastGo Clients

GastGo has signed up thousands of clients and the numbers continue to increase. Clients want the convenience to book a professional anytime. They are willing to pay more money knowing they have a dedicated professional and time slot where they will receive a good service without having to wait in a salon or a barbershop.

GastGo Professional Search - iPhone X
GastGo Professional Profile - iPhone X

Independent professionals

Independent professionals are self-employed and either hire a working space/booth in a traditional salon, studio or a barbershop or working from home full time or part time. We do not recommend you sign up as a GastGo professional if you do not have your own working space or if you are hired.

GastGo splits independents professionals in the hair, beauty and cosmetic industry in to four different categories which are; Groomers, Artists, Stylists and Therapists.

Signing up

It is free to sign up to GastGo as a professional. Just download GastGo from the App Store and register as a professional. Please note that you are required to complete your profile before GastGo can allow clients to book services with you.

You are required to enter your bank details where GastGo will send you payments for every client's booking. When signing up, you are required to enter your full name, upload your profile picture (not a logo), write a bio about yourself, upload a list of services, add a picture for every service, add prices and duration of every and finally a description or instruction on each services. Finally, make sure you enter your business location and your business working hours.


GastGo has a directory services already available for you as a professional to select. We understand not all services offered in the UK and USA are listed on our directory. Therefore, please contact us if you would like us to add more services to the directory.

When listing your services, we recommend that you select at least 5 services, add an image for each service with duration and the cost of each service. You should also add a description or additional information for clients for each service you are offering on GastGo.


As a GastGo professional, we recommend that you maintain a high level of integrity at all time. This means being at your place of business prior to your client’s arrival, ensuring you deliver a great service and maintain positive reputation.

Rating & Feedback

As a professional, you will be given a comprehensive rating by clients after every service. This rating will help you build your reputation and impact your future bookings. Please make sure your client rates you and gives you feedback before they leave. Also, make sure you rate your client after every service.

GastGo Professional Services - iPhone X
GastGo Professional Signup Page - iPhone X

Payment process

GastGo will pay you 75% of all services booked on the app. GastGo recommends that you add 25% to your services when listing them on GastGo to cover the costs. These additional costs will be paid by clients and you will retain your set target.

The 25% retained by GastGo will cover hosting and managing your GastGo profile, marketing your business, 24-hour access to your booking system, your financial payment dashboard and costs of all transactions made to your bank account. You will receive payments of all services as a lump sum once a week.

Rescheduling & Cancellation

As a GastGo Professional, we recommend that you avoid cancelling any appointments with your clients to avoid negative feedback from clients. Your business acumen and integrity is what will help you build your reputation.

Clients have the opportunity to reschedule their appointment the day before their appointments. All clients have until midnight on the day of the service to cancel or reschedule their services. You will receive full payment if a client fails to cancel their service or they don't show up to their appointment.

Click on the button below to work out your income as a barber, hairdresser, nail technician or massage therapist working as a GastGo Professional and renting a space at a GastGo Studio.

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Hi, I am Chris. Let me know if you have questions.